Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How to Check who is Invisible on Yahoo Messenger(YM)

How to Check who is Invisible on Yahoo Messenger(YM)

Have you ever wondered why a person in your contact list appears offline to you all the time? Now you can spy your buddy to see his real yahoo status. Use Yahoo Messenger Invisible Scanner to detect if a user is in fact offline or just invisible.

Use these Sites to Check who is invisible in yahoo:


Chat With Multiple IDs In Yahoo Messenger
You can login with multiple ID's on the same yahoo messenger.
Follow these steps :

* Go to Start --> Run --> Type regedit,hit enter
* Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software--> Yahoo --> pager -->Test
* On the right pane --> right-click and choose new Dword value .
* Rename it as Plural.
* Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.
* Now close registry and restart yahoo messenger.
* For signing in with new id open another messenger .

!!!! Enjoy chatting !!!!

Yahoo Messenger Shortcut Keys
Yahoo Messenger is one of the most user IM clients in the world, and many users use it for to IM at work, IM with friends and family and more. Yahoo messenger has several shortcut keys, using which you can buzz a person, add emoticon/smileys to your messages and more.

• Windows Key + Y – Bring Yahoo Messenger to Focus, works even if Yahoo Messenger is sitting in the system tray.
• Ctrl + G – Buzzes the contact you are chatting with.
• Ctrl + H – Show or Hide offline contacts in main messenger Window.
• Ctrl + Shift + P – Open preferences window.
• Ctrl + M – Provides a option to send a Instant message.
• Ctrl + T - Provides a option to send a SMS message.
• Ctrl + L – Provides a option to make a call.
• Ctrl + K – Provides options to Call a phone number.
• Ctrl + Y – Send a email message.
• Ctrl + Shift + A – Provides options to add a contact.
• Ctrl + Shift + 0,1 or 2 – Switches between different messaging formats provided by Yahoo Messenger 9 and above.
• Esc key – Closes a active message window.
• Ctrl + D – Sign out of Yahoo Messenger.
• Ctrl + Shift + D – Sign out of Yahoo Messenger client and sign in to your mobile device.
• Ctrl + Shift + F8 – Change your display Image.
• Ctrl + Shift + C – Send you contact info in a active chat window.
• Ctrl + Shift + M – Send you messenger friend list in a active chat window.
• Ctrl + Shift + R – Request contact details in a active chat window.
Messaging Window Editor Shortcut Keys
• Ctrl + B – Toggle bold on or off, or convert selected text to bold.
• Ctrl + I - Toggle italic on or off, or convert selected text to italic.
• Ctrl + U - Toggle underline on or off, or convert selected text to underline.

Yahoo Messenger Emoticons / Smiley Shortcut Keys
All the emoticons Yahoo has can be sent using your keyboard, most of the popular are for happy, for sad, for winking, for big grin and so on. Yahoo messenger provides you with a complete list of shortcuts for typing in emoticons, in addition to the normal emoticons there are also several hidden emoticons which are not even available from Yahoo Messenger and requires you to use keyboard shortcuts.
Show your friends how you really feel.
These little characters are a great way to spice up your IM conversations and show friends how you feel. Select them from the emoticon menu or type the keyboard shortcuts directly into your message. If the name of an emoticon is in bold, you can also include it in your status message - just type the characters for the emoticon into your status message (Yahoo! Messenger 9.0, 10 only).
Available Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons
Emoticon Key Combination Description
:) happy
:( sad
;) winking
:D big grin
;;) batting eyelashes
>:D< big hug :-/ confused :x love struck :"> blushing
:P tongue
:-* kiss
=(( broken heart
:-O surprise
X( angry
:> smug
B-) cool
:-S worried
#:-S whew!
>:) devil
:(( crying
:)) laughing
Available Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons (2)
Emoticon Key Combination Description
:| straight face
/:) raised eyebrows
=)) rolling on the floor
O:-) angel
:-B nerd
=; talk to the hand
:-c call me
:)] on the phone
~X( at wits' end
:-h wave
:-t time out
8-> day dreaming
I-) sleepy
8-| rolling eyes
L-) loser
:-& sick
:-$ don't tell anyone
[-( no talking
:O) clown
8-} silly
<:-P party Available Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons (3)
Emoticon Key Combination Description
(:| yawn
=P~ drooling
:-? thinking
#-o d'oh
=D> applause
:-SS nail biting
@-) hypnotized
:^o liar
:-w waiting
:-< sigh >:P phbbbbt
<):) cowboy X_X I don't want to see :!! hurry up! \m/ rock on! :-q thumbs down :-bd thumbs up ^#(^ it wasn't me :ar! pirate* Surprise your friends with these hidden characters. You won't find these in the emoticon menu, but you can send them by typing the keyboard shortcuts directly into your message. Available Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons (1) Emoticon Key Combination Description :o3 puppy dog eyes :-?? I don't know %-( not listening :@) pig 3:-O cow :(|) monkey ~:> chicken
@};- rose
%%- good luck
**== flag
(~~) pumpkin
~O) coffee
*-:) idea
Available Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons (2)
Emoticon Key Combination Description
8-X skull
=:) bug
>-) alien
:-L frustrated
[-O< praying $-) money eyes :-" whistling b-( feeling beat up :)>- peace sign
[-X shame on you
\:D/ dancing
Available Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons (3)
Emoticon Key Combination Description
>:/ bring it on
;)) hee hee
:-@ chatterbox
^:)^ not worthy
:-j oh go on
(*) star
o-> hiro
o=> billy
o-+ april
(%) yin yang
:bz bee
[..] transformer*

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