Sunday, December 20, 2009

How to use free space under Run in WinXP Start Menu

How to use free space under Run in WinXP Start Menu

Did u ever noticed that free space under the Run menuitem in New Windows XP Start Menu?

The following tutorial give u the way to use that free space for ur own shortcut, e.g., u can create a shortcut for Windows Media Player in that free space, as I hv done in my tutorial.
Simply download the following file:

Now extract the file and then run “run_reg_code.reg” file. It’ll ask ur confirmation, say YES and then OK. Now u’ll see a new entry for Windows Media Player under the RUN menuitem. (U may required to log off for make the changes)

In the above tutorial a few things can be changed for other shortcuts. Like u can change the name to some other if u want!
The “Default Icon” is the path of the icon file, which u want to display in the Start menu shortcut. (NOTE: Double slashes r compulsory).
Similarly, the “Param1” in “Instance\InitPropertyBag” is the path of the executable file, to which u want to create the shortcut. (Here also the Double slashes r compulsory!).

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